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TecLine Regulator V1 ICE TEC2 rev. SemiTec I set with SPG - Military Line
Regulator V1 ICE TEC2 rev. SemiTec I set with SPG - EN250A - Military Line
Regulators Set: V1 TEC2 reversible SemiTec I with SPG - Military Line
Regulators included in the set meet the requirements of the latest european norm EN250A:2014 for cold water regulators.
Venturi Lever and breathing resistance knob allow for precise adjustment of breathing parameters.
The regulators are protected by a special coating HBC*. All markings are masked to conform with the LVM** system.
First stage V1 ICE were designed to optimise the hose routing in single tank configuration.
The set consists of:
- I st stage V1 ICE ML
- 2x II nd stage TEC2 reversible ML
- SPG 52mm ML
- Hoses:
LP 1,93m rubber, black ML*
LP 0,60m rubber, black ML*
HP 0,60m rubber, black ML*
- 2x bolt snap 88mm ML
- Tecline transport bag
* HBC (Hard Black Coating) - very hard and smooth, protective coating in black color.
** LVM (Low Visibility Marking): low-visibility marking system used in special forces.
It's a range of Tecline equipment designed in accordance with the specifications of various special forces and rescue teams.
The availability of Tecline Military products depends on the amount of production surpluses.
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